Intended for Combustion | Teen Ink

Intended for Combustion

October 22, 2014
By osvargas BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
osvargas BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I go unto the day, longing for the night

We're broken matches,
Empty tinder boxes,
We are the fire that failed to start.

We are not a thing
that the starlight touches.
We're a million pieces of the same heart.

We are the secrets whispered to the wind.

We are that single, passionate sin.

And it's in the restless mornings
And these sleepless nights,
It's in the depraved daytime

that we make our fight.

We're untamed monsters waiting to tear ahead.
We're freeze framed snapshots left in life's stead.

We're sparks of true love that weren't supposed to ignite.
We're thoughts of sorrow suppressed with all of our might.

And although imperfect,
We try to learn from ourselves.
And though far from victors,
We put our triumphs on shelves.

Because there's nothing worth remembering,
But everything to live for.
Because we are young and time-specific,
We are always wanting more.

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