Stress | Teen Ink


November 6, 2014
By Meghan56 BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Meghan56 BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The entire world is a stage that we are judged on in life
And sometimes the words come like a knife.
With those words, we can cry and break
But it’s up to you to take.
The bright lights and straining pressure,
Could make you feel lesser;
However, you’re the one who puts on a smile
And feels depressed all that while.

For we must take those words,
And send them like little birds,
So that people will take that message at heart
  And have a new start.

The author's comments:

I'm a relatively busy person and usually I get very stressed easily. I hope people take from this that everytime you stuck in a situation that you just take deep breaths and everything will be okay in the end.

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