Rock Out And Look Out | Teen Ink

Rock Out And Look Out

November 12, 2014
By Lala167 BRONZE, Coachella, California
Lala167 BRONZE, Coachella, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Come children give me your phones,
Let me tell you a story that will rattle your bones,
This is a story about Harry Revere’s notes,
It’s the year of 2016,
And it's the time when people sing.

Revere tells his friend to go to the Eiffel Tower,
To warn him when the British are here,
And when he sings the high C’s that will mean the British come by sea,
But when his friend sings with the band,
That will mean they come by land.

But hurry up and do not be late,
Because Harry Revere is still on the other side of the lake,
Home alone he is anxiously waiting,
For the text that will start his midnight album.

Buzz Buzz goes his phone,
And out the door he goes,
But wait there is something I have not told,
That on that midnight album there were actually three,
That helped that album come to be.

Harry Revere's album made out to Lexington and Medford in his jeep,
On his way to deliver them to Concord,
He was ambushed by a British Band,
Then they held him by gun point .

He would never make it all the way,
Good thing for his friend who saved the day,
And told Concord about that evil British Band,
That is trying to rule the land.

And on that night one man tells,
Of a secret that hid within the melodies,
That when he climbed on top of the Eiffel Tower to sing.
He could hear the graves telling he,
That within the song that he sings,
Is the start if a new musical beginning.

The author's comments:

This poem is about Paul Revere with a musical twist.

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