pompeii | Teen Ink


November 11, 2014
By rachelwarncke BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
rachelwarncke BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mount vesuvius, a volcano near the bay of Naples, Italy
erupted the year of 79 A.D.
shooting rockets of ash and dust
the city of pompeii did not think it would bust

volcanic ash covered the land
like a blanket covering a cold hand
the city still stands under a layer of ash
people still stand in the form of a dash

dogs frozen in their path
the dust covers bodies like water in a bath
the past paused on citizens’ faces
people stopped in their anxiouse paces

explorers have found the remains of that day
in this city near the bay
the dark depressing day affected many lives
the village no longer thrives

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