Jackie Robinson | Teen Ink

Jackie Robinson

November 15, 2014
By KristieThompson SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
KristieThompson SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first African American major league player,
The baseball color line slayer
Many did not approve of the Brooklyn Dodger’s decision
To give Jackie Robinson the great chance he was given.


April 15, 1947, the day that ended racial segregation
This day changed baseball throughout the nation
We cheered with joy, while others with hate
As Jackie stepped up to the plate

What a great first basemen he made
We knew he was better then others of a different shade
By the way he played, I knew he wanted to prove a point
That he was the right man to appoint


He never fought back
To the racist verbal attack
Jackie Robinson segregated a game, some of us call ball
Another step toward equality for all

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