Chicago Dreams | Teen Ink

Chicago Dreams

January 4, 2009
By Avani Tandon GOLD, Princeton, New Jersey
Avani Tandon GOLD, Princeton, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They lay awake, dreading what the next few hours would bring.
Teardrops danced down her cheeks as she clenched onto her ring.
She put her head on his chest and looked at him in despair.
Who knew that their Chicago Dreams were ever so rare?

As he ran his fingers through her hair, she held on to him like he was about to disappear.
Their song came to an end.
Despite how many times she pressed repeat, she knew their time to part was coming near.
He comforted her that no matter what happened he would always remain her friend.

Distance could separate her from him,
But if she let 975 miles keep them apart she would be committing a grave sin.
He would drive back to Wisconsin, and she would fly back east
But Chicago would always remain the place they were joined by the sweet priest.

Her kissed her gently, she hesitantly let go and grabbed her bag,
Looked into his green eyes one last time and sat down in the cab.
She rolled down her window, he promised he would wait,
Perhaps reuniting in college would be their fate.

Until the day comes when the world stops for them to meet,
They will forever have their Chicago Dreams to keep.

The author's comments:
Chicago Dreams is a fictional poem that I wrote at the end of the summer of 2008. I based it off of what happened to me that summer. That summer was both the best and worst summer of my life. I met the most endearing guy that I couldn't be with because of the distance that separated us. Like the majority of the poem, I was for the longest time drowning in grief. But just recently this whole experience instilled hope in me. Just like the last few lines of the poem, I now know that our time will come. I just have to wait and fight for it. This poem is just my way of sharing my emotions and personal experience, and I am hopeful that this is something a lot of you can relate to.

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