Crossroads | Teen Ink


January 6, 2015
By teenieschwarz BRONZE, Cedar Point, North Carolina
teenieschwarz BRONZE, Cedar Point, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Always striving to
Be the best, but I
Can’t help but fall short.
Different choices
Eat away at me.
“Follow your heart,” they say.
“Go get your dreams,” they cheer.
I am, lost.
Just as confused as before.
“Kiss your past goodbye,” they tell me.
Little do they know, I
Must pick a path before
Neglecting my past.
Only I can
Pick, but the choices
Quarrel within me.
Repress the fight.
Show a balanced facade as the
Turmoil inside rages.
Unless a
Verdict can be
Whittled from the mahogany of my mind.
Xanadu awaits, but I have
Yet to come to a conclusion that leaves me
Zealous about my future.

The author's comments:

For me, this piece is about picking a college and deciding my future, but I hope others see it through their own lens.  Not everyone has the same decisions to make, but everyone does have to make them, and that's what this is about: decisions. Whether it's college or relationships or even just what cereal to eat, your decisions shape your future and sometimes that reality is hard to approach when you're not ready to let go of your past.

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