Nature vs. Books | Teen Ink

Nature vs. Books

January 21, 2015
By BeautyinPink BRONZE, Freeman, Virginia
BeautyinPink BRONZE, Freeman, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, and the sense of smell

Are the keys to excel.

Though books have knowledge abound

That generations before me have found.

Though subjects and topics covered are quite diverse,

Reading a book seems almost rehearsed.

You can skim the black print on the page,

But why not go out in nature and become engaged?

Step out, among the bright sunshine and the colorful view

So you can see firsthand, and learn a thing or two.

Books, I do not hate or degrade,

But those thoughts are someone else's just spilled onto a page.

Experience has proven to always teach powerful lessons.

Why rely on others when your own senses are God's greatest blessings?

Think you read a little and learned a lot then?

No, much of this I've written, you have already forgotten.

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