Remember | Teen Ink


January 20, 2015
By Alyssa3 BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
Alyssa3 BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the whole world was blind, how many people would you impress?

The school around me has faded away,
All I can see are different shades of gray.
The rows of lockers are dark, almost black,
And in the distance I hear the sound of a student’s laugh.

The sound is light, airy, carefree,
Just like I was before she made me bleed.
Suddenly, the shrill school bell starts to shriek,
And students rush out, making me squeak.

Someone slams into me and I fall to the ground,
Hearing a dull, faded, thump sound.
My eyes flutter as I start spiraling back,
To the day when I got home and my mom attacked.

I had entered the house with a skip and a grin,
Not noticing the signs of fear hidden within.
My mom’s in the kitchen, silent and still,
I walked over to make sure she wasn’t ill.

She looks over at me and I see her eyes,
They’re hollow and empty, like they had just died.
She looks so small, and weak, and thin,
And she clears her throat before she begins.

“I never wanted you-you were a mistake.
I was young and foolish and never thought I could break.
But I was horribly wrong, so here I am,
With a pathetic child, who refuses to scram.
The only thing left is to get rid of you,
And then I can get back my innocent youth.”

The knife leaps to her hand and I begin to scream,
Unable to believe the things that I’m seeing.
She tells me she’s sorry before rearing back,
And suddenly, harshly, begins to attack.

Blade meets skin as the pain sets in,
I try to fight but I just can’t win.
I close my eyes as I start to sway,
I feel myself slowly...slipping...away...

Someone’s talking, but I can’t quite hear,
My head is still pounding with those moments of fear.
I open my eyes and see an ocean of blue,
Calm and tranquil, a beautiful view.

He’s crouched down next to me, gathering my books,
I stare up at him like I’m a fish on a hook.
He looks up and sees me watching him fearfully,
He sets down my books and helps me up carefully.

“I hit you pretty hard. Are you okay?”
I look into his eyes, lost in warm ocean spray.
Then I glance away quick, before he could tell,
That I was hopelessly, desperately, caught in his spell.

I push his hands away and gather my supplies,
Knowing I’m not good enough for those beautiful blue eyes.
I remember my mom, and being her prey,
Today she may win but one day she’ll pay.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for an english assignment.

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