My Life is a Radio | Teen Ink

My Life is a Radio

January 27, 2015
By lovehippogriff SILVER, Troy, Michigan
lovehippogriff SILVER, Troy, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My life is a radio
And I am a song
3 minutes of idyllic exhilaration to melt my life
I dance to my beats
I sing to my merriment
And I scream to my insanity
My life is a radio
And I am song
3 minutes of agonizing ache
I cry to the bitter throbbing of my voice
I wrap myself in darkness for shelter
And I am left dull and numb with oblivion
My life is a radio
And I am a song
3 minutes of 3,000 emotions
And 3,000 emotions on an endless loop

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