The Holdings | Teen Ink

The Holdings

March 12, 2015
By Makenzie22 GOLD, Greensboro, North Carolina
Makenzie22 GOLD, Greensboro, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it because nobody else will.

There are holdings in that tare
That plays cords of those before
Softly hushed as voids overbear

So we search to catch a shift in the air
In hopes new findings will hold a better way to bore
There are holdings in that tare

For one cannot look within without catching it’s pierced snare
That impairs our hues at the core
Softly hushed as voids overbear

Perhaps we should send away our care
As if watching it slowly fade from shore
There are holdings in that tare

In the hopes this translucent clasp is too much to bear
Fill with ease the flume that was made for only one to lure
Softly hushed as voids overbear

So snuff that gentle woe that travels in pairs
Or your main rhyme will cease to be as if it tore
There are holdings in that tare
Softly hushed as voids overbear

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