20 years later | Teen Ink

20 years later

March 17, 2015
By Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Stanczak SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

we come together at a reunion, but i fall apart
because i still remember how much i loved you
this place, these past memories come all at once
i am just lucky to have known you

and i still remember how much i loved you
you were my best friend, my lover
and i am just lucky to have known you,
but i still smile at a distance

you were my best friend, my lover,
i see that you’ve brought your wife
so i still smile at a distance
when you don’t even realize i’m there,

but i see you brought your wife
and i wish that was me next to you
when you don't even realize i’m there
20 years later

i wish that was me next to you
this place, these memories come all at once
20 years later
we come together at a reunion, but i fall apart

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