this pain | Teen Ink

this pain

April 2, 2015
By Silmag16 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Silmag16 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This pain…
You feel like you’re going insane.
And then there’s this never ending chain
You are like a lion that cannot be tame.

So you keep tossing and turning
Then you keep jumping and squirming
You keep on murmuring,

He didn’t care.
He knew you were in despair,
But he didn’t care.
You tried to be fair .
All you felt was a tear, you were aware.

Deep inside
You put everything aside,
That knot in your throat was very much tied.
Thinking that he lied.

Your hands start shaking
All this time he was faking.
Your palms get sweaty,
You look at your teddy.
Why would he be so petty?

He finally left,
Left you with a pain in your chest,

Darkness reappears,
So did all your fears,
And you were left with many tears.
Hoping no one is able to hear.

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