August | Teen Ink


April 19, 2015
By Gabriel Petrov BRONZE, Sofia, Other
Gabriel Petrov BRONZE, Sofia, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

August is the month, in which I was born
Born in false light that banished the outside darkness
Cry and wail I did, I would forever mourn, the
Defence, the safety this world does not possess.
Early in the night,
First light still awaited the golden-locked pre teen,
Gabriel I was named,
Harm had not yet touched me, a slate that was still clean,
Innocent, Naive,
Just a small, light-haired child,
Kindergarden still awaited, the
Li’l one that always smiled.
Maturity then found me,
Nestled in the world of dreams,
“Out with you! To reality!” it said,
Prepped I was not, it seems.
Quickly I learned of the planet’s horrible truths,
Racism, Trafficking, War and Corruption,
Starvation, Drugs and Deceitful leaders,
Terrorism, Murderers and Violent Abduction
Unfairness, Jealousy, Greed, Pride and Gluttony
Vainly, I realised it: We are Earth’s destruction.
Weakened by it all, my light hair quickly darkened.
Xanadu and Heaven are definitely not here, but
Yes, there is still hope, and I know this for my hair has not yet blackened,
Zealously guarding the good that’s left on the planet with a month called August.

The author's comments:

This is an alphabet poem, each line starting with the next letter in order. I have the luxury of being a realist and thanks to that I have been able to observe truths about this world, truths I would have prefered to be left out from my experiences. But if by showing these truths to the reader I can instill in him or her a determination to help better this world, then I present to you: August.

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