We're ok | Teen Ink

We're ok

April 24, 2015
By MKatt BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MKatt BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Emotions kill us slowly
We act like its all okay
like we can fix it all
Make it all better
but we assume the impossible
nothing can remade to perfection.

We try to act like nothing is wrong
like its a part of growing up
its just a phase
that we can escape it all with
and the scars we try to hide
but that show up at the worst moment
we apologise and cover our arms
our face turning the color our wrist were
the day it all went wrong

Others will hang out with there best friends that last forever
but we will sit on the bridge with our three best friends
Ones a bottle of pills
and a bottle of gin
and the knife that holds our hands
in the darkness
when we are down

all we want is to fit in
be a part of the group
everyone to be looked at as equal
we want to hold hands
but all they want to do
is hold grudges.

we look in the mirror
we hate what we see
we have had enough
of life's inequities
we look one more time
we try not to cry 
but its been so hard
so we go to the roof
to see if we can fly.

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