Mankind is Overruled | Teen Ink

Mankind is Overruled

May 12, 2015
By WinterSolider BRONZE, Austin, Texas
WinterSolider BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Silence marches in on the tail of Darkness.
Everyone is hiding indoors, not even peeking
Outside, where those things are heinous.
They’ve taken over, just doing their thing.


Everyone is hiding indoors, not even peeking
At the end of mankind’s reign.
They’ve taken over, just doing their thing,
When we can’t rule, it makes us less sane.


At the end of mankind’s reign,
Outside, where those things are heinous;
When we can’t rule, it makes us less sane.
The Silence marches in on the tail of Darkness.

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