Yes All Women | Teen Ink

Yes All Women

June 8, 2015
By empar129 BRONZE, Hooksett, New Hampshire
empar129 BRONZE, Hooksett, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Ever since we were young
We have been taught how
Boys are more cave than man
Repeatedly being told to beware,
We have been taught how
Women should act around men
Repeatedly being told to beware,
Causing girls to mature early
Women should act around men
Causing girls to mature early
To always plan one step ahead
We listen to people say “boys will be boys” but we know
To always plan one step ahead
We’ve lived in fear of what’s to come
We listen to people say “boys will be boys” but we know
Boys are more cave than man
We’ve lived in fear of what’s to come
Ever since we were young

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