Judgement Day | Teen Ink

Judgement Day

June 9, 2015
By GoldenEyedAngel BRONZE, Needville, Texas
GoldenEyedAngel BRONZE, Needville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to live, to hope is to be happy, and to have faith is to fly.

You judge, it's what you do. Well okay, because judging is harmless right? No! You're wrong! Judgment is pain, judgment is a group of stupid useless words that you throw at someone else to make yourself feel better!

You judge that boy in the back of the classroom. The boy with the scar covered arms, you say they're all for attention, those self induced harms. You laugh in the hallway as he passes by. He keeps his head down, but no one knows why. Guess what, what you do to him at school is ten times worse at home. There's a reason he created those scars, but you wouldn't know that. Have you talked to him, because I heard he's really smart? He could be going going to Harvard one day, you should listen to the words he has to say.

You judge that young girl on the street, belly swollen with a baby. So sweet, so soft, and so pure. You call he a whore, a slut, and so many more names. But wait, did you know she was raped? No, you don't know her story, and that should put you too shame. You sit there and stare at her, while she's struggling to get by. Her parents threw her out, her boyfriend broke her heart, and no one will give her a job. But she stands strong and fights every day, so she can prove you all wrong. 

You judge that homeless old man, out on that park bench. You mean to tell me that is all he does all day, is lay on a park bench? So you think it's okay to laugh at the scars that cover his face, calling him ugly because he is missing a leg. Week let me tell you, a little bit about world war two. He fought with the soldiers called away from home. He fought for your rights, and protected this great nation. From the enemies knocking on our door, he stood with a gun aimed at another human. Yes, he took a life. He left his wife and unborn child so you could have the choice to sit or stand during the pledges. Well, now you know someone who can't stand for the flag that he defended. 

Don't judge that old man, who just happens to be a veteran. Maybe you should sit down and listen to his stories of bombs, and the cries of other men. Maybe you can help him overcome the fact that he watched his best friend die. Don't judge that young girl either; you could help her too. Get to know her, maybe you can let her cry on your shoulder. That boy with the scar covered arms, talk to him. He could be the reason you pass a grade or two. 

Now, do you undersrand how bad judging can make a person feel? And the wounds that you leave on a person just might never heal. Go ahead, you keep judging that old man, that young girl, and the boy with the scar covered arms, because one day you will be judged. And I don't mean by God or Jesus Christ, I mean by the demons that you all keep inside. The demons that you know are there, but choose to pushbaway and ignore; because you want to think that you've never been judged before.

There, you're wrong again! You're being judged by everyone around you. So maybe we should all stop, and listen to your stories too.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece, because i'm tired of cruel people judging others before they know their story. It makes me sick, how people can be so cruel. 

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