Ribbons | Teen Ink


January 23, 2009
By gfjgfj L SILVER, Ghkghk, Georgia
gfjgfj L SILVER, Ghkghk, Georgia
5 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Little girl,
Dancing in the light of innocence,
Ribbons and laughs coloring the sky,
Where ais that little girl,
Why did you take and hide her,
Do you really think this,
Is better?
The childness is gone,
Replaced by the power to know,
To bring seduction and beauty,
Little girl,
Why are you crying?
Are these new games too dangerous,
Feel the loss of security,
Create your own fun,
But there are no castles anymore,
No loving prince to come,
Dry your tears little girl,
One day you'll be on of them,
Hiding behind a mask,
Playing the predetor's game,
So still play with your dolls,
Little girl,
Soon you'll lay them to rest,
And without even realizing it,
You'll find that you,
Have become one yourself.


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