Love is Fair and Fair is Foul | Teen Ink

Love is Fair and Fair is Foul

September 2, 2015
By Carlyne GOLD, Madaba-Manja, Other
Carlyne GOLD, Madaba-Manja, Other
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hardly knew a day so fair and foul.
It started warm and cozy after dawn
In t’ alley golden sunshine danced around
With lover’s prattle n’ laughter shared by us
How can I not flush at your heated gaze?

You lean against the sun with elegance
Eyes hazy ‘n charming, with angelic grin
Oh drown me with your love and kisses, dear
For you’re the flame and I would be the moth

But why! Why do you have to ruin the magic scene?
Why do you want to break up n’ say goodbye?
Say don’t cry, let us kiss for one last time
You say it as if we won’t meet again

O Michael you’re so unpredictable
Just like the weather turning windy ‘n cold
Not snowy cold that tries to bury me
Not icy cold that aims to petrify
Not rainy cold that seeps into my bones
But windy cold that simply blow and blow
Away the kite to which my heart was tied

Don’t leave me baby, or I cannot live
I ache for you, your tongue messaging mine
I want your fingertips t’ caress my cheeks
Your tender lips to wander down my neck…

But should I tarnish myself? Should I beg?
To be inferior, lesser than a dust,
Petty n’ low. But flowers don’t grow out of dusts,
Nor do true love, respect and dignity.

I see the sun landing on top of t’ roof
Await to be engulfed at horizon
Inevitable, just like your leaving.
Your gaze is still enchanting, warm yet cold
A deep abyss, inscrutable black holes

Just breathe, and watch the sun sink in your eyes
Down where it should go, futile to retrieve.
Oh let my heart sink in my chest like stone,
To lower than t’ horizon where it’ll break
But it’s okay, it’ll piece together soon

I’ll turn away before you see my tears
And no, no final kiss to seal your sins

The author's comments:

This is a soliloquy in blank verse inspired by the opening scenes of Macbeth

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