That Guy | Teen Ink

That Guy

January 28, 2009
By PaloVerde1 GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
PaloVerde1 GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
13 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Years later, I look back and thing what the hell I was doing."

That guy, looks at me with gorgeous kind eyes.
That guy, makes my heart double in size.
I wish I could show, the way I feel.
I wish he could see the care I would deal.
That guy, different than before.
A new one comes, and opens a door.
It's so confusing, my heart could just break.
The two guys I care for, my heart they can take.
I'd love to get away from this terrible pain.
The way I feel makes me less than sane.
Those guys, amazing and perfect, took my heart from me.
Almost threw it away, but with love, might set it free.

The author's comments:
I write about my life, friends family; anything that inspires me; sometimes including th epeople I truly despise. But, in all reality, it's me and no one can change how I think, feel, or write :)


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