A World of Blue | Teen Ink

A World of Blue

September 30, 2015
By ESDillon BRONZE, Oakley, Idaho
ESDillon BRONZE, Oakley, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" The struggle your in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.

Blue is a soft breeze blowing over an ocean wave.
Blue is the sound of a winter wind blowing through a hillside cave.
The look of a midnight sky
and the sea’s soft sigh
could all surely be blue.
We could be as the small children do
as they play with small marbles of blue.
Back and forth it goes, and back and forth again
You begin to look into the blue eyes of oblivion.
They take you into deep, dark space to look down upon
this great blue earth and find that it is now dawn.
Blue is the perfume of a forget-me-not
or a skirt that has many-a-dot.
Blue is the feel of a silk ball gown
or feeling depressed and far,far, down.
Blue is the chill of a winter morn
or a jewelry box that is old and worn.
Blue is the feeling of calmness and peace.
Blue is a vast sky that will never cease.

The author's comments:

I hope that people will read this and find that the color blue is everywhere. I hope that this poem will make colors a lot more vivid in their eyes and that they will find the beauty of blue in their lives. 

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