Observation Poem | Teen Ink

Observation Poem

October 6, 2015
By RileyJC7 BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
RileyJC7 BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel the cool breeze while
watching kids run their knees sore.
I smell the fresh cut grass right near
my class. I see the cloudless blue sky
while seeing my friends crying of
laughter cause this observation was
a disaster. I hear the teacher yell at
sam and now all I can think about
is some peanut butter and jam. I
see the Flushing band logo and
now I want some jell-o. I feel the
cement sidewalk as I walk back to
class on this boring day but it's almost
over so I think to myself yay!

The author's comments:

Well we were outside and we were forced to but I overall enjoyed writing this and I actually like poetry.

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