Why She Cries | Teen Ink

Why She Cries

February 3, 2009
By Kukura DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
Kukura DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
58 articles 0 photos 8 comments

In the dark of the night, she stands alone
staring hopelessly at the phone
she asks herself, why should she try?
the endings the same, say the tears in her eyes
She cries by the window as he's out getting high
every puff he takes she dies more inside
she's devoted to him, but he'd never know
she's up against the wall and her blood runs cold
She knows she can't stay
but she can't break away
bruised and battered
Her life always scattered
Hanging by her last thread
her love will be her death bed
if only he would know and open his eyes
he would know why she cries
Covering for him with the same old lies
she wants him to love her as she waits over time
daddy's girl, you'd think she's learn fast
heart is the enemy, you just won't make it back
Hanging by her last thread
her love will be her death bed
if only he would know and open his eyes
he would know why she cries
In the dark of the night, she stands alone
looking at the grave she's come to know


This article has 2 comments.

amyxu said...
on Sep. 24 2009 at 9:45 pm
This has a very interesting meter and rhyme scheme that is kept consistent throughout the poem. Thus, it's more effective. I like it. It's very haunting and subtle.

kianapearl said...
on Feb. 16 2009 at 4:52 am
Very strong effect on the reader. Great job.