Smiling Through It All | Teen Ink

Smiling Through It All

November 10, 2015
By herbsh6026 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
herbsh6026 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Your life is like a tormenting tornado.
I feel bad for you,
I feel bad that you have to come home
to your mom always yelling,
I feel bad that you have to watch the kids all the time,
they aren't bad kids but
you're still a “kid.”
They’re not your responsibility
but you still end up babysitting
because your mom needs some better parenting skills.
She could do things herself instead of you having do everything,
If you didn't have 2 younger siblings,
I bet you would be kicked out by now
I mean, it seems as if your mom only wants
you there to help her with things she's already capable of doing herself.
I feel bad that your dad left without an explanation.
I ask you if you miss him, you say--
“I don’t really know him.”
Even though your home life isn't that great
you smile everyday as if this situation is normal.
As if this is how you grew up,
but you’re used to it.

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