You Never Know | Teen Ink

You Never Know

December 7, 2015
By Sanyogita_Nehra BRONZE, Sirsa, Other
Sanyogita_Nehra BRONZE, Sirsa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Enjoy every second because you don't know when this life will come to an end .

You never know ,

Like the cool breeze time will blow .

Today life may seem challenging , even bad ,

And at this point you may feel sad .

But time is never the same ,

And none is to blame .

This time will pass ,

With blossoms weeds grow and grows the grass .

Some are contnended and that's why happy , 

Some are happy so they feel contended ,

Sometimes things hapen unintended .

Sometimes those whom we trust the most ,

play with us and leave us somwhere lost .

Life keeps on going at its regular pace ,

Leaving your soul , still ablaze .

With a heavy heart and a fake smile ,

you can live like this for a while .

But you need to move on and start afresh ,

We do commit blunders and may feel abash .

But its no time to mourn over the decisions we took ,

Forget the past and over it you shall never rebuke .

Life is a test and play your best .

You never know what life will bring ,

To whom and what it will cling .

So never keep grudges over heart ,

With a cheerful spirit make a new start .

You never know what time will sow ,

And in times to come you will shine and glow .

You never know ,

You really never know .

The author's comments:

This is the first piece of poetry I have written . I wrote this about two years ago when I was 14 . I don't know whether it's good or not , but I love this piece so I thought of sharing it with everyone . Hope u have also enjoyed it .

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