On Edge | Teen Ink

On Edge

January 14, 2016
By LeeSands BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
LeeSands BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On edge, I am always on edge.
There is a low and boiling rage inside me that puts me on edge.
When they do not believe me it puts me on edge.
When they do not listen to me it puts me on edge.
When they are always blaming me-- it puts me on edge.

Anxiety, I am always consumed with anxiety.
There is a constant heavy weight on my heart that consumes me with anxiety.
When they expect me to be okay it consumes me with anxiety.
When they want me to fit inside their box it gives me with anxiety.
When they do not care it gives me anxiety.

Broken, I am always broken
There pieces of me that are gone and will never be returned.
When they take away my spirit it breaks off a part of me.
When they degrade or question me, it breaks off a part of me.
When they've shrunken me down to put inside their pocket, it breaks off a part of me.
This world full of people who have broken me down, filled me with fear, lit me on fire with rage...
When they've taken all they can-- they still don't all of me.

The author's comments:

Sometimes you just feel on the edge.

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