Blur! | Teen Ink


January 19, 2016
By KiaraCastro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KiaraCastro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today I woke up and I didn’t think of you

I forgot your name and your face,
too. It was all just a blur that grew

All the hope I had, I knew
forever would be trapped in that place
in my head. Today I woke up and I didn’t think of you

And the Devil you turned into
Loving the feel of the chase
And that blur just grew

Never truly forgetting what you failed to do
You were good, always picking up, never leaving a trace
Today I woke up and I didn’t think of you

Then one day you disappeared, out of the blue
Leaving behind, in my heart, an empty space.
Still, it was all just a blur that grew

I believed I was over you
The wound left behind, I could not replace
But today I woke up and I didn’t think of you
It was all (hopefully!) just a blur that grew

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