Sestina about home | Teen Ink

Sestina about home

February 8, 2016
By Spykiddo BRONZE, Paoli, Pennsylvania
Spykiddo BRONZE, Paoli, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So many times a day I think of my warm, comfy bed.
Or snuggling up with a blanket watching TV with my family.
Or being on whatever break just staying at home,
Sitting in a tight corner of my room
Without any care, just reading a book,
Oh, I love those memories!

Oh, I love those memories!
Of calm, grey mornings sitting in my bed.
Or on the edge of my seat, reading a very intense book.
Or playing a game as a family.
Or playing a game by myself, in my room.
No, I never forget my home.

No, I will never forget my home.
It's just too full of memories.
I love my own little corner called my room.
And my own little resting place called my bed.
Or my own group called my family.
I love the things that we call books.

I love the things that we call books.
You'll find them everywhere in my home.
There are ones on how to handle family.
And ones that hold precious memories.
You'll find them on a shelf above my bed.
You'll find them sprawled across the room.

You'll find them sprawled across the room.
I absolutely love my books.
Just like I love my comfy bed.
Or the safety of my home.
Or my much-loved memories
Of my lovely family.

Of my lovely family,
Pictures are all over my room.
I'll never forget their memories
Safe in the hands of my books
Inside of my lovely home.
So many times a day I think of my warm, comfy bed.

I'll never forget the memories of sitting with my family
Or my comfy bed in the corner of my room
Or my beloved books. I will never forget my home.

The author's comments:

This poem is my first (and only!) sestina. I absolutely love this poem because every word is true. I love my home, and for right now, it is my favorite place to be.

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This article has 1 comment.

Ori Lotan said...
on Feb. 23 2016 at 4:47 pm
What a wonderful poem!