My Wilson A2000 | Teen Ink

My Wilson A2000

February 22, 2016
By Dylanbresnahan BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Dylanbresnahan BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My glove is black like the night when light is absent;
    it is so dark that it can be spotted from miles away
The stitching is a smooth yellow like a sunflower petal,
and it is blindingly bright like the sun
My glove is the perfect size, perfectly encases every inch
    of my hand
It is durable, yet feels like a warm silk blanket
When the ball jumps off the bat and comes at me like a
    speeding bullet,
    I am calm because my glove absorbs spheres with ease
My Wilson A2000 cannot be beat

I shield it from anything that poses as a threat
No dirt shall scar my glove
Strangers will never wield it, for their poisoned hands
will tarnish the purity and innocence of my glove
Others can only observe its greatness
When I bear my glove I am suffused with confidence,
so I wear it with pride

The author's comments:

My love for the sport of baseball.

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