Gang Related | Teen Ink

Gang Related

February 22, 2016
By Dylanbresnahan BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Dylanbresnahan BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friday night in Jacksonville
Aiden is in a car with his mother and grandmother
All is good
Gang shows up
Several rounds of gunfire
Aiden is hit
Three shots to the shoulder and abdomen
Arrives at hospital in critical condition
All is not good
There is nothing they can do
Aiden is dead

22-month-old boy dead
Police say the shooting was “Gang Related”
But Aiden was not in a Gang
Neither was mother or grandmother
They were not the targets

Why would this gang be so careless
Guns are lethal
And their careless shots hit Aiden
Aiden was innocent
He was not the target
But the gang was careless
Now Aiden is dead 

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