What is Love | Teen Ink

What is Love

April 7, 2016
By allyb1719 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
allyb1719 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are really kind and loving
Calling me nice things, 
but you know it’s just not enough to get my attention.

Many miles away,
Just waiting to see you again.

I love you but you never seem to care,
I try to be there for you but the distance is gets between us.

I dream of you everyday
But you won’t do the same.

I try to talk to you every chance I get,
But I rarely get an answer back.

When we do talk,
it brings me delight,
This feeling that I can’t explain.

Friends and family ask me why I’m smiling,
And I say it’s because of you
They look at me puzzled and then they walk away.

Just thinking of you right now,
Wondering how both of our lives would be if you were back here in Cannon.

Love is an open door
So go and jump through it and I will catch you in my arms
Knowing that I’m only one call away,
To talk about who knows what.


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