Burning Up All Night | Teen Ink

Burning Up All Night

April 19, 2016
By mchang98 BRONZE, New City, New York
mchang98 BRONZE, New City, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You burn out like a candle.
No one said it’d be easy.
Everyday is a battle.

You wake up and you see a stranger.
Everyday’s a struggle.
We’re always in danger.

The shadows stare as you face this journey alone.
The hallways lead you down a deep, dark, jungle.
You burn out like a candle.

There are sneaky snakes, bitter tigers, and shallow parrots.
In a place like this it’s easy to crumble.
You burn out like a candle.

One missed step and the quicksand catches you.
You fight and fight and your dreams begin to dangle.
Everyday is a battle.

Complication everywhere, though you’re tough as bamboo.
Friends who love you always, one gives you a bangle.
You burn out like a candle.
Everyday is a battle.

The author's comments:

It's a poem that connects to me and all high school students. It's about the pressure of high school . The anxiety, the homework, the peer-pressure, fitting in, not being cool, everything.

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