Life... | Teen Ink


April 26, 2016
By Kwebb_41 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Kwebb_41 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is a game
But never fair
So take no shame
And never care

Friends and family around
She’s lying in bed
Everyone surrounds
She seems dead

We all weep
Everyone leaves
I take a peep
Mom wipes tears on her sleeve

I go in to help
I sit by her side
I hear a slight yelp
My brother hides

Grandma lies there
She can’t talk
My mom cries there
My dad stalks

Put my arm around mama
She sat there scared
A lot of drama
But I only cared

Wish I could do something
While mom cries
My heart cracking
I felt like I was the one that dies

Dad calls me
But mom needs me
All I can do is see
But I have to agree

Now I wait
For mom to leave
It’s up to fait
Dad and Mitch grieve

Mom walks out
I look in
She cries in a shout
With a big sad grin

All heads down
Everyone sad
Mom with the biggest frown
And I am mad

Now we are gone
We are in the car
Nothing can help, not even brawn
But grandma is the real star

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