24th of April | Teen Ink

24th of April

April 27, 2016
By Esther317 BRONZE, Murree, Other
Esther317 BRONZE, Murree, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all.” | Emily Dickinson

When you rest in the tender hands of Love,
All fear and pain is gone.
When eyes are too dim to look above,
He is the shoulder to lean on.

As myriad of emotion overwhelms the heart,
Darkness and horror comes to life.
As the soul prepares for eternal depart,
Past seeps in through like the cutting of a knife.


Steel fingers lock the ringlets of hair.
Every shameful touch beyond define,
Left me only so vulnerable and bare
I had lost once I thought was mine.

12 years now with hatred and anger,
Two girls living in one body.
One blameless with purity as her anchor,
One alone and heart torn shoddy


Tangles of memory in space and time,
Helplessly admitted the defeat
Guilty of submission and crime
Waited for the punishment to be complete

There appeared a sword of blazing fire,
Thrashing and slashing chains of sin
The face of my Maker full of desire,
With droplet of tears hanging of his chin

Once again, as Past engulfs me with thoughts of rejection
I look upon the man of cause
A portrait work of God’s intellect and perfection
Oh, how blind I was


My broken body lie still in his embrace
As he walks along the narrow way
Between His heart and mine is only an inch of space
I rest my head tired from the day

When you rest in the tender hands of Love,
All fear and pain is gone.
When eyes are too dim to look above,
He comforts with the hope of dawn.

The author's comments:

His Healing Hands

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