A Mother's Letter | Teen Ink

A Mother's Letter

May 30, 2016
By MLazan BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
MLazan BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Child,

I admit, I wasn't ready to have you
When I found out I was pregnant
I came from poverty
I was poor
I needed food
I needed shelter
I needed to survive
But I couldn't do anything about it, could I?

It was my 14th birthday
I thought that I could finally
Decide for my future.
But then
My mother told me that
Marrying a man is the only choice
In order to afford our daily needs
To someone, I don't know
And never heard of

I couldn't do anything, could I?

We were poor
We needed food
We needed shelter
And If I marry this man
I might achieve happiness
And from what I've heard,
Money can't buy happiness.
But for people like me,
It can.

At the age of 15
I got pregnant,
But your father left me
Like I was a pig.
Luckily, I survived the childbirth.
But I might have to sell my body
And from what I’ve heard,
I might have to the risk of getting HIV
Just to protect our family.

I've had enough sacrifices
Bad ones
Forced ones.
I worked hard
Just to protect our family
Without selling my body.

Now that you’re 14
We are still in poverty
But I know the feeling
Being forced to be married
And I don't want you to feel that way.

I worked very hard
I wake up early in the morning
Looking for jobs
Waiting for my salary
Then saving it up

Just to send you to school

      And send you to the doctors.

Hoping that  your future will be
Brighter and better than mine.

My life has been a
I might have regretted being pregnant at 15
But I'm proud of having you.

I know that out there, is a man
Who will be your knight and shining armor
And you will have a baby when you’re ready.
Every calendar’s days are numbered,
But your future is bright just like the sun

The author's comments:

Its surprising how many women are abused and forced to do something and they cant be free.

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