What is the Color Blue? | Teen Ink

What is the Color Blue?

June 10, 2016
By Ink_in_my_veins BRONZE, Newport, Pennsylvania
Ink_in_my_veins BRONZE, Newport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a writer. Therefore. I am not sane" - Edgar Allan Poe

What is the color blue?

Is it how you feel,
When life becomes to real?
Or the color of the sky,
The tears on your face when you cry,
Is it meeting the love of your life then forgetting his name,
Or those emotions that drive you insane?
Does it become the color of calm,
Or the little flower you can hold in your palm,
So yes I will ask again: what is the color blue?
Who do you associate this color to?
I bet you can't describe it in a million ways,
Is it that sinking feel when you see lost strays,
Or how your soul feels light,
When you look at the starry night?
But I guess that answer is up to you
On how you view the color blue.

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