I Am A Man | Teen Ink

I Am A Man

October 11, 2016
By cadedavis BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
cadedavis BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man that had ambitions, hopes, and dreams

That one day he could take his family on a vacation even, if it was just one hour away.

Olen Mies
A man that wishes he had more than a gas stove and a blanket for him and his little girl to keep them warm while they’re both huddled in the corner praying for winter to be over soon.

Ja Sam Muskarac
A man oppressed by a government that says everyone is “Equal,” but yet he doesn’t have a single pipe in his house for running water or a dime in his pocket.

Soy Un Hombre
A man who works day in and day out but somehow only makes eight dollars a week.
On a good day.
And as he works, his only motive and goal is to one day save up enough money to have more than a two room house for his wife and six kids to sleep in.

Ahau I Te Tangata
A man that wants more than a tree with a bed of dirt and a blanket of stars to sleep under
Who actually wants a house, even if it's some mud and sticks thrown together to keep off the rain, if you can even call that a house.

Naneun Naja Da
A man who wants out.
Out of North Korea.
Who's absolutely tired of some fat guy who claims he's a god making decisions for his once happy family
That is, before the war.

I Am A Man
I am the one that got out, not out of a place, but out of the society I was stuck in.
And as I look back, I realize that not having money at times, or going to bed hungry, is a lot better than it could be, cuz I'm free with a home, my home, to sleep in at night.

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