The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

October 11, 2016
By cadedavis BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
cadedavis BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is my life, this is my story

A story about how all my hopes and dreams, went spiraling down in a big hurry

The year was 1991 when President Bush gave the order
And my squad and I jumped in our planes and flew across the border

It was our first mission and no one knew what to expect

Whether it would be just a standard patrol,
Or if the enemy would be sitting there all ready to go

Unfortunately for me, it was the latter, so my commander gave the order;


I tried to outmaneuver those missiles every way I knew
But in the end there was nothing I could do

When I was spiraling down, down towards my death
I said a quick prayer and drew my final breath

The next thing I know I’m squinting trying to see,
Thinking I was dead and God was walking towards me

But that figure wasn’t God; far from it in fact
The man that I saw was yelling at me, and suddenly, grabbed me by my back

I yelled in pain, but there was nothing I could do
And we went to a old jail where I was put in a cage, like an animal in the zoo

So I layed there for 30 days, and waited for death to come my way
But all that came was the dry heat from the hot desert sun
So I just laid there wishing I had a gun   


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