Another Day | Teen Ink

Another Day

April 26, 2017
By jacwu BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
jacwu BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day I am submerged in darkness,
And my throat constricts as I suffocate;
Yet I see a hint of brightness.

Yesterday waves of pain that were far from harmless
Tore my flesh, ripped my skin, and I lost weight
Another day I am submerged in darkness.

Today the world seems heartless,
But this time with me, you relate
And I see a hint of brightness.

One day without you, I feel anxious.
In this emptiness, though I try, it is you whom I cannot locate
Another day I am submerged in darkness.

This day remains colorless.
Still, I strain my eyes to search for you, whom I await
Then, I see a hint of brightness.

Tomorrow I will once again be lifeless;
But everyday, the negativity within my soul you negate
One day I am submerged in darkness
But I live another day with a hint of your brightness.

The author's comments:

This poem represents the dark and hopeless days, which someone may experience everyday. I hope that this poem depicts the despair and negativity that one can feel; but also that one can find hope in reaching out to others.

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