Knight | Teen Ink


March 20, 2009
By Anthony Bluemmel BRONZE, Benton, Arkansas
Anthony Bluemmel BRONZE, Benton, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His castle stood beneath his 6-inch shoes,
eyes wandering across the vast sand-filled land,
the untamed bridge, still,
the cool Boston breeze ran its fingers through his hair,
the armor less 3-foot Knight—fearless.

His mom and Dad stand firm and protecting,
but what is a knight that doesn’t roam free?
His mind floating beyond the walls of immaturity,
boundless gaze brings family to their knees,
the armor less 3-foot Knight—fearless.

No castle for this Knight to rule,
after all these years of siege,
gaze now wandered aimlessly upon the people-filled sea,
no cool breeze would aid him now,
the armor less 3-foot Knight—everything to fear.

No protection shields him now,
roaming free, not the Knight he used to be,
maturity grows—shackles so tight,
now the family standing firm and tall,
the armor less 3-foot Knight—everything to fear.

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