Falling | Teen Ink


June 5, 2017
By jacwu BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
jacwu BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cliff is at my feet, an abyss beneath
Your arms are open to embrace, so why are your hands around my neck?
Don’t help me if you’re going to leave me to grief

To me, the weight of the world Atlas does bequeath
Without a word, you are here to share my wreck
Yet the cliff is no longer at my feet as I fall to the abyss beneath

But then you catch me -- to Death, you are a thief
My hands grip the edge with new life, yet now you neglect
Please help instead of just leaving me to grief

I can’t hold on without you, but you are only here to deceive
You are near and I can feel the warmth of your hands; still your help I don’t expect
After all, the cliff is at my feet and there is an abyss beneath

Stop watching impassively, for there is nothing to achieve
By waiting to kill me with your cold stare, which only does infect
Why don’t you help? Why do you leave me to fall into grief?

I know without me, you will be filled with relief
It’s easier for me to let go by knowing the effect
The cliff is crumbling at my feet, and I see the abyss beneath
You don’t help me as you leave me to grief.

The author's comments:

Just some poetry for the days that are lonely.

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