The Lost Girl | Teen Ink

The Lost Girl

October 15, 2017
By ToniCoolCat BRONZE, Shepherdsville, Kentucky
ToniCoolCat BRONZE, Shepherdsville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'll make your last living moments, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL."

There was but a lost girl, she could not find her way, no One would help her, there was no escape, she felt like she was drowning, when she tried to breathe, a wave would hit her in her weakest moments.

There was but a lost girl, she could not find her way, she hid behind a mask, a mask with a smiley on it, when she wanted to say a word, she hid,  hoping no one could see, the feelings within her, the sadness, the anger, and her plea’s.

There was but a lost girl, she could not find her way, she was alone, no one there, but there was the mother, the answer, was right in front of her, the answer to her sorrows, the sadness, her pleas, all she needed was to say a word, anything really, she confronted her, the mother, the answer, and she tore off the mask, the only thing keeping her back, she escaped the prison, and told her mother, “Please help me, I can't do this anymore... If this goes on, I'll be gone.”

There was not a lost girl, she found the way, the way of life, and with the help of the mother, She never needed the mask again.

The author's comments:

what inspired me to write this poem was from Jaiden Animations video called "Why I Don't Have a "Face Reveal". And from me and my mom from her helping me get through the hard times and loving me when I needed it the most.

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