Refresh the Sea | Teen Ink

Refresh the Sea

December 6, 2017
By csauter2019 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
csauter2019 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I set out for the Ocean Pacific,
To live in the big beautiful blue body and just be,
To meet its creatures and say hello to them.
Finding a seal was the wish from me.

Sweat was gliding down my back,
From the harsh sun rays,
Yet the breeze caressed my cheek,
And I was refreshed by the cool sea day.

My peace was startled by a knock on the boat
I hoped for a seal, the majestic animal of mine,
There were seals indeed but none were free,
For they were entangled in rubbage from the coastline

Crushed, I was to see this state,
If only humans on land could see the effect of their waste.
I must clean up this home of mine for its not a home just for I.

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