Hmong Dancers | Teen Ink

Hmong Dancers

May 25, 2018
By Anonymous

Who are within humanity,

Who trust intoxicating crowds,

Who braid their bristles with fingers

Who are covered in blue and white cloth,

Who flinch and shuffle like ballerinas,

Who steady their confidence on stage,

Who brush their faces with natural makeup,

Who smile and unravel with applause,

Who swirl across of our fears

Like performers, like siblings,

Who move their hands like finger painters,

Who draws fatal attention around

Who step to eternity,

Who stay on the side of confidence,

Who dance near shadows,

Whose smiles compete with the stars

Like the moonlight as it shines above clear oceans

Who walk between cracks that leads to success

Who are flawless,

Who perform with religious morality,

Whom we may establish in our individual style,

Who are within grace, pursue and want

To bring us like hardened rosette

To the integrity of our talent.

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