My Life As Me | Teen Ink

My Life As Me

June 6, 2018
By ZRuss BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
ZRuss BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've seen many different places

I felt as though I was sitting on top of the world.

From the roaring engine.

Barreling down the highway,

In that mighty big rig of dads.

The views of endless tree's,

Endless roads and endless beauty caught my eye.


I have touched and petted, dogs and cats.

Deer and squirrel and even a mouse.

But none as soft and snowy white as cracker,

My guinea pig.


Once I saw an old town, Old Bedford Village

Set up to explore.

From the old school house,

to the general store.

It was not a bore to dress up in colonial,

to get that family photo.


I have lost my wallet.

I have lost money.

I have even lost my mind a time or two.

But my most unhappy loss,

was when I lost my gram and my cousin too.


I tell you sincerely,

The most memorable thing I've seen.

A girl giving herself a swirly,

and acting pristine.

I couldn't control my laughter.

When she did it two times after.


I've shopped at game stores and clothing stores.

I've bought games and clothing.

But nothing can make me feel as I do,

when I'm hiking, hunting, and camping too.

These are the things that put me at ease

from my minds point of view.

The author's comments:

This is an autobiography poem that I wrote.

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