The Glass Wall | Teen Ink

The Glass Wall

May 19, 2019
By findyourself_love BRONZE, Suffern, New York
findyourself_love BRONZE, Suffern, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No one knows why we're here or where we're going, so we might as well enjoy the journey.

There she sits

On the outside looking in

She tries to break the glass

But instead she breaks her fist

Up against the glass

So close she can almost touch

She knows she’ll never break it

But she just can not give up

This thin piece of glass

Has never felt so thick

She’s tried every tool inside the box

She’s tried axes she’s tried picks

This fragile piece of glass

Why must it be so tough

Why can she not break it

Why is she not enough

Every day she sits there

Awaiting her true fate

Looking to the other side

Wondering how much longer she can wait

She watches all the people

All on the other side

She watches all the others go

As her own life passes by

Is it even better

On that so desired side

She may never know

No matter how she tries

This transparent sheet it holds her

This just can’t be right

Everything she thought she knew

It’s all made of lies

Can she just give up

Is that who she is

Or should she keep on pounding

Because there’s nothing else but this

She’s feels like she is strong

But oh so clearly weak

This little piece of glass

Won’t even take defeat

She knows not what she’s doing

She does nothing at all

The answer’s right in front of her

But she’s too busy with that wall

The author's comments:

I'm not sure how to describe exactly what I'm trying to express here so it's truly open to interpretation. I hope something can be gained from this :)

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