Blue Butterfly | Teen Ink

Blue Butterfly

April 2, 2023
By Anonymous

So vulnerable and fragile; you swept me away.

Bound to you, I resigned myself to a living lie.

So easily intoxicated by the desire to love

And now I tell my tale as the battered blue butterfly.


Day after day, riding the waves of your emotions,

And losing my head in a rose-coloured haze.

You crippled my wings in your relentless grasp,

Yet I turned a blind eye to your heartless ways. 

Now the sweet summertime draws near

And I’m going to spread my blue wings again.

I’ll dance to my own rhythm just like I did before.

So delicate and light; floating to my heart’s content.

Once enamored by your way with words,

But now haunted by a single sound.

You started with a light drizzle, and then endlessly poured.

A love so picturesque burned down to the ground.

Perhaps something new has awakened within me.

Tainted by our fall; spiraling into disarray.

The pursuit of perfection left me insatiable,

So I enjoyed the madness, and now I’m drifting away.

Now the sweet summertime draws near

And I’m going to spread my blue wings again.

I’ll dance to my own rhythm just like I did before.

So delicate and light; floating to my heart’s content.

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