Those days ahead | Teen Ink

Those days ahead

April 25, 2023
By donatellabertola04 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
donatellabertola04 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If we could travel back in time most of us would go back to our Elementary days

The toss and turns you make because you don’t want to get up 

Your mom redoing your hair over and over because it's not how you want it

Mountain of pancakes on your favorite plate along with a puddle of syrup 

The walk to school with your moms hand covering your own small hand 

The warm summer breeze hitting you as you prepare for the day you get to spend with friends

Waiting for the hours to pass to get to recess and be part of a wedding you made up

The days are just days to you, you don’t think when this could all end 

Seeing your moms face light up as she sees you running towards her to bring you home

The drive back with a slurpee in hand and non-stop chatter of what you learned

You get home and sit on the couch, eating a delicious lunch while watching a cartoon

Falling asleep, dreaming away with the next day waiting for you, unconcerned

Getting older is slow and steady, something you won’t notice

All of a sudden you’re in your senior year of high school

Counting down the days you can leave and fully start your life

Remember those days you couldn't wait till you grew up? What a fool

The author's comments:

I am a senior leaving school soon and I reminisce about the past 

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