The dead garden | Teen Ink

The dead garden

May 22, 2024
By Anonymous

I see myself in the old Monstera plant.

Hanging low

With dead colors

No one understands you

Like I do Monstera.

How’d she die?

Lack of water

Lack of sun

Or no one there

To take care of her.

They all walked past

Not taking a glance

Or a thought in their mind

To check if Monstera was fine

She of course can be revived

But look at her 

Her spark is gone

And she is lost

You can water her now

And put her in the sun

But she will never forget

What you had done

The author's comments:

The poem is about a girl who is hurt after a relationship and as she says in the poem, she is comparing herself to a dead plant, which was not treated properly to be lively

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